
The model

Demo Graph


Locations 2012

Plasmo-Blog 2012


 Explanation of the graph

In the baseline of the graph you see a time scale, and wetness data. Light blue are the hours the crop is wet. Wetness is measured by leaf wetness sensors, calculated form vapour pressure deficit (VPD), or forecasted by the meteo service. Dark blue are the periods of measured or forecasted active rain.

The lowest graph represents the development of the oospore inoculum. Several stages of maturation of oospores, germination and release of zoospores by macrosporangia are shown. The resulting quantity of free zoospores during rain events is shown in blue.

The middle graph represents the infection risk based on the number of spores splashed on the leaf surface, and the chance they have to infect the plant. Spores can come from the primary oospore source, or from the secondary source: conidia produced by lesions.

The upper graph represents the relative development of the epidemic in the crop as it can be seen in the field as an increase in the incidence of infected leafs. When an infection has occurred it is show in green during its incubation period. Once the oilspots become visible it is shown in orange.
When night conditions are favorable for sporulation the quantity of conidiospores is shown in white. The spore quantity depends on sporulation conditions and number and age of the sporulating lesions. Gradual mortality of these spores is calculated from VPD and time.

In the real time calculations the graph has a dashed line on the right hand side. Left of this line the calculations are based on measured weather data. Right of this line calculations are extended based on local weather forecast data.

                                         Bio Fruit Advies   Dorpsstraat 32 4111 KT  Zoelmond  marc.trapman@biofruitadvies.nl